Anatomy of a URL
(Updated: October 4, 2011) I received an eMail regarding a Dell promotion called the "Military Appreciation Event." Both my wife and I fervently support our military men and women. Years ago in our hearts, we adopted one of our oldest son's best friends, currently stationed in Afghanistan. In addition, I was a military brat myself, as well as having been a consultant and service provider to the DoD over the years. The email naturally caught my attention. Knowing many people serving in the military and friends who have relatives deployed, I decided to compose a quick post to share this information. As I was reviewing the eMail, I noticed the lengthy size of the URL and wondered how many people would attempt to cut/paste and forward it via eMail. Too often, an eMail contains a Web site link that requires multiple lines and often breaks into two or more distinct strings. This in turn causes the link to fail and makes copying it into the browser's Navigation Toolbar d...
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