Security Concerns Cloud the Future for the "Cloud"

While I embrace the concept of the "Cloud" and its potential, my concerns regarding security continue to fuel my reluctance to fully endorse the technology or recommend it as a "one size fits all" solution like many of my peers.  In all probability we will get there but I am just not ready to declare the "Cloud" as being ready for Prime Time.

Apparently, neither is the Los Angeles Polic Department.

In a much bally-hooed deal with Google, the Los Angeles City Council voted last Fall to move the entire 30,000 employee email system to the "Cloud" using Google's hosted services.  However, after reviewing security needs and requirements, the LAPD sought and received an exception for its 13,000 employees citing that the system offer by Google "does not have the technical ability to comply with the city's security requirements."  Instead, LAPD will stick with the GroupWise system it has long used and which offers the security needed by the police and city attorney's offices.

L.A. won't put LAPD on Google's cloud-based email system,0,6466131.story

As those who follow this blog can probably discern, security concerns have long been key areas of focus when discussing technology.  As much as I embrace advances in technology, my enthusiasm is always weighed by two critical factors: Practical Need and Security.  The "Cloud" provides a lot of Practical Need solutions but can fail to address a number of Security issues.  Before one flies off into the "Cloud," they should make sure that their security needs are being fully addressed else face the possibility of crashing back to the ground.
. . .


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