The Shortcut To Success

In visiting with the founders of a few new startups recently, I sadly discovered that the most frequently expressed "business plan" involved building a product markedly similar to an existing, successful one. Even more disappointing, none of the plans focused on improving the copied product but rather in duplicating its functionality to the point of attracting sufficient attention to result in the company being acquired, allowing the founder to cash out. Money reigned supreme over innovation. Endeavoring to expand functionality or improve a concept was shunned in favor of seeking a quick buyout and a big payday.

The thrill and pride of creating something unique, like a piece of art, was absent. Money, from imitation not invention or innovation, was the resounding mantra. The shortcut to success by today's standard. It only takes a little more work than playing Lotto, with about the same odds of winning.

Where is the next Steve Jobs whose passion fueled his novelty and imagination? The realization of his dreams yielded magnificent offerings. With strokes of brilliant, driven creativity, he changed our world.

What does the future hold without the likes of Jobs?  Ask Siri the next time you use an iPhone 4s.
. . .


  1. I spent much of my life selling products produced by others, most of whom apparently were driven by by the desire to pick up a few stray dollars that had been overlooked by the innovators. Not terribly rewarding work, although I was happy to cash the commission checks. One of the companies I represented tantalized the small appliance world with a truly innovative and attractive product, to the point of actually introducing it at an international trade show, accompanied by a really impressive PR campaign. I have no idea if the product would have worked as advertised (there were a few prototypes that did, so it was possible), but once the company was bought out - no new product made it to market, nor have I seen anything like it since. I suspect that the product was part of a campaign, not to introduce a revolutionary appliance, but to sell a tired old company.

    Profits are GOOD. The profit MOTIVE is subject to interpretation.



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